Dear Mr Ireikin,
I am happy to give support to your endeavors to get a TU 144 flying again — with only 39 hours it is practically new ! However, aircraft that do not fly I know quickly go wrong or need work done on them. All the British Airways aircraft I have been told have had all their fluids drained so getting them back to a flying state will be very costly and I am sure will not be done anyway because no one is prepared to be a Design Authority for the aircraft and that is a mandatory requirement of our Civil Aviation Authority.
Perhaps the French will get a Concorde flying but I doubt it.
Good luck and thank you for your invitation to the future aircraft opening ceremony.
Peter Baker
Assistant Chief Test Pilot / Concorde
Peter Baker — летчик-испытатель фирмы Handley Page Ltd., затем — British Aircraft Corporation (British Aerospace), где он в течении 19 лет испытывал самолеты VC 10, BAC 1-11, Concorde. Позднее шеф-пилот Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
«to get a TU 144 flying again»
Угу.. Он даже не представлял, насколько наивно оптимистичен.